Thursday, May 3, 2012

Writing Style

Lately I have been thinking a lot about my writing style. Growing up, I never thought I would write a book.  I disliked everything about school, and English was no exception.  At the end of my High School career, I began filling out the dreaded college applications, and when the question came up about the type of major I was interested in, English wasn't even part of my thought process.  After awhile, I decided I wanted to be a Culinary Arts Major. Why? I have no idea, I couldn't really cook, I am extremely picky about what I eat, so this really wasn't a great option, but I pressed forward.

My first semester, I entered into one culinary class, and immediately knew this was NOT for me. Before I had the chance to change my major to something more up my alley, I got married and dropped out of college to help my husband go to school.  This was also when I discovered my love of reading.  When the story of Mere came to me years later, I was surprised by how much I LOVED to write.  Sitting in front of the computer, listening to the click of the keys on the keyboard was soothing, and I found myself finally comfortable with something that I had chosen to do.  Now here I am, ten years later, enjoying the sweet sound of my laptop whirring on my desk, as I make the all to familiar sound of the clicking of the keys, asking myself what type of writer I am?

Am I the "OCD" writer that always has an outline, follows the outline, lives by the outline, and never strays from the outline?

Am I the "COPY" writer, that writes out the story on paper, reads it, and then transfers the story word for word onto a computer file after every possible change has been made?

No, I am what I like to call the "DREAM" writer. I have no outline, no pencil or paper, I have only my dreams.  I read through what I had written previously, and go with whatever pops in my head that I think will make a great lead into whatever is going to happen next.  I dream about the story at night, think about it all day, then sit down, and write it all down.  Most of the time, I'm putting the story together as I write, word for word, thought for thought. I am the type of writer that looks out her window, and watch as the birds fly by, thinking about how maybe they could be a fairy in disguise, or listen as the rain makes the pitter patter sound on the rooftop and think to myself that maybe it's tiny footsteps of little elves as the make their way to their home hidden on my roof.  Of course this is silly, but that is why I call myself the "DREAM" writer.  This is how my little mind works.  Even growing up, I could always come up with a story.

So if I could go back to those college applications, and fill out my selected major I would want to put down that I would like to become exactly what I am now, a dreamer that loves to share her dreams.

So now I want to know, What type of writing style do you have?  Are you a "dreamer" like me, or are you a different type of writer?


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